Received a call today from this number also, never answered and they didn’t leave a message. Usually government will leave a message and a ID number etc, they don’t usually call tho, always send a letter. Call came in at 12 noon, lunch time.. Odd. I called the number back and it’s sounded like Revenu Quebec voicemail, but I couldn’t get through when I tried.. SCAM!!!!
Got a gouv du Québec call from this number +18888307747... Today Thursday 20th of June 2024 7h44pm. Knowing the governmental agencies schedule, I did not pick up and blocked that number.
Call came from 1 888 830 7747
oDon’t usually pick up but there’s always a first time!!! Caught me off guard
Gave them one of my email addresses. Will change the password. Did not click on the link they sent. Looked authentic enough. They always do somehow
Female voice doing survey to see how much I had spent on online purchases
Same -- indian female voice asking for my date of birth to "confirm my identity" before they can give me important information from Revenue Quebeuc. RQ will never call you out of the blue; they will send a (sometimes registered) letter with any important information. Scammer.
I received a call as of Sep 25th 2023. They are spoofing legitimate Quebec gov number along with caller id showing gouv de Quebec. Lady with an attitude couldn’t believe I wouldnt speak French with her. She had my name.
Revenu Quebec Called received on August 1st, 2023 at 6: 02pm weird time. Did not anwser, and did not leave a voicemail… Would advise to be cautionary with this caller
Warning, I have just received a call from that number on May 25th, 2023 at 3: 31pm. That phone number is used for citizen to call revenue Quebec and NOT the other way around. That number was spoofed by SCAMMERS. In doubt ignore the caller and initiate a call YOURSELF to one of Revenue Quebec official phone numbers yourself to verify. I just did and I got a confirmation that they never called. Besides as others have mentioned below, Revenu Quebec typically sends a letter by mail when you owe them
Scammers spoofing the legitimate revenue Quebec number. Don't even bother answer. If you have any questions, just call Revenue Quebec yourself and talk to them.
Legitimate, refer to the following government website for proof:
https://www. Revenuquebec. Ca/en/policies-and-instructions/security/phishing-scams-and-identity-theft/
Give real looking information such as the name and extension of someone really from Government of Quebec. Provides real information on you as well. It's a scam. You or your relatives are not under investigation.
Will call and give authentic looking information such as the name and extension of someone really from Government of Quebec but it's definitely a scam. If you were being audited or investigated, you would receive a letter by postal mail.
This is a legit gov number, however, Revenue Quebec would not be asking for personal information over the phone. They should already know who they are calling. If they lose patience with you because you refuse to give personal information over the phone, hang up. Revenue Quebec always sends a letter beforehand anyway. You'll know when they want to talk to you.
I've been receiving calls from several numbers claiming to be Revenue Québec that are definitely not legit for two years. Not sure at all if this one is real or not. The person on the other end seemed authentic at first, but she never stated my name to confirm – she asked for my full name and address, and then started yelling at me and threatening me when I told her I would not give or confirm any personal information over the phone.
Legitimate number However, I believe they could be spoofing the Revenue Quebec number.
Revenue quebec normally does not call you and ask you personal information about yourself.
Usually they send a letter first.
Surprisingly, this is a legit Revenu Quebec number.
https://www. Revenuquebec. Ca/fr/politiques-et-consignes-dutilisation/securite/hameconnage-et-vol-didentite/
Legit call, Revenue Quebec. This is the department responsioble for investigating stuff like unfiled tax returns or if they need more information for one of the services they oversee.
Call from "revenue quebec", told me they wanted to verify my work from home information i provided, then asked for my SIN to access my file - scam, RQ would sent mail not call.
I just received a call from 888 830 7747. Saying I am calling from Revenu Quebec, then persisted to question me. But I clearly know Revenu Quebec would not telephone first, they would send direct mail to my actual postal address.
They called me as Quebec Revenue Agancy and some lady called Sylvie tried to get as much information aboutbmy finances and work then told me that I 0we 22000 in taxes. She tried to pull info out of me about detaiks of my work and details of my bank. She starts very nice and keeps on asking information. Very dangerouse.
Called my mom telling her I owed money and asked for my cellphone number.. She asked them when my birthday was. They told her it was confidential information. She then asked them to give her any kind of information that the government would have. They said they couldn't. She warned me that they were scam.
Same here,
I received a voicemail from an alleged Gouvernment du Quebec employee who knew my full name, Asking me to call her back at a different number that was similar to the Revenue QC #. Good thing I checked the site Government agencies never contact me by phone, Smells' like total scam.
I received a voicemail from an alleged Gouvernment du Quebec employee who knew my full name, Asking me to call her back at a different number that was similar to the Revenue QC #. Communication is always via message on their secure site, Never over phone. Beware of scam
Faire attention! Il appel en ce présentant comme travailleur pour le gouvernement provincial, Or, Le gouvernement ne communique jamais via téléphone. Il demande de rappeler a un autre numéro sûrement pour truqué ses victimes a payé.
Ils m'appellent à 19h. Après m'avoir demandé mon nom, Le type (M. Lalonde) commence à me poser des questions par rapport à ma déclaration de revenus (TVQ...) QUOI? Il na m'a même pas identifié comme il faut. Je lui reproche son manque de rigueur, Il bégueille, Je raccroche. Convaincu que c'était une arnaque. Si le gouvernement veut savoir quelque chose, Il va vous envoyer une lettre. Première fois de ma vie qu'un représentant du gouvernement m'appelle. Faites ATTENTION!
I received a call from this number. I question why they (Supposed Revenu Quebec), Do not leave a voice mail. Then upon answering after several calls, A very odd is the conversation of personnel questions takes place