I didn't pickup the phone call that I wasn't comfortable with unknown numbers. I realized scammer left voice message and it sounds like recorded message that I can tell with some noise.
Here is the message I've got.
"Hi, This is Tony with an Urgent Message. Today is Thursday the 12th calling because immediate relief is now available. If you fall in behind on your student loan payments, Which does put you in good standings as well as the office of loan forgiveness now today is a deadline fo
Same as the others. I have student loans but i speak directly with mine. I have asked them to put me on DNC and yet they continue to call.. From different #s local and non. Its soooo annoying.
This guy XXXX XXXXX calls from different numbers including this one. He says there is a letter I should have received about student loan forgiveness and lowering my payments to $40 a month. This is all BS, $40 a month would take me over 200 years to pay off.
Robo call where guy tries to sound like hes calling from his desk about a letter I should have received in the mail about reducing my student loans.. Its a scam.. Never had a student loan to begin with.. JO..