Il appelle et se présente comme étant le représentant d’un opérateur téléphonique et me propose une offre d’internet résidentielle
Il connaissait mon nom et mon ancienne adresse.
Il voulait connaître ma nouvelle adresse afin de confirmer l’offre qu’il avait… J’ai refusé de lui donner ma nouvelle adresse comme j’ai commencé à avoir doutes.
Je lui ai demandé s’il avait mon email, il a dit Oui, je lui ai demandé donc d’envoyer son offre par courriel puis j’ai raccroché.
L’appel peut être de l
Calls multiple times every weeks, If I answer I hear voices in the back but no body talks and it just hang up. If they call and I don't answer, They never leave voice message. Had to block the calls from this number which are from my internet provider (V i r g i n)
Called me twice, Let's say Tues. Said their XXXXX Mobile and offered me a "great" internet deal. I believe it's them cause they offered the same deal their site has had and I told them no, Email the offer to me. She said this is your name, X-x, And this is your email x@x. Com, Yes, Emailed the official offer to me. Terrible deal. Told them no when they called multiple times 2 days later and now won't stop calling but Never leave a msg
Ils appellent plusieurs fois par jour, Ne laisse jamais de message. J'ai rappeler pour savoir c'était qui et la personne parle seulement en Anglais et dit travailler pour XXXXX. Mon compte est à jour alors pourquoi appeler si souvent?
Definitely a nuisance caller. Received a call every few weeks at first now it's every day. At first I did not answer, Let it go to voicemail but no voicemail! Now whenever I answer without saying anything, There's silence for a few seconds then the call ends.
They call me every day, Says “XXXXX” as the caller Id, I picked up once before and they immediately hung up, Answered again today and it was an Indian man, I couldn’t really understand him but he said something about Calling on behalf of XXXXX and asked If I was (my name) I said no and they immediately hung up again
Calls me repeatedly throughout the day, Like about three times (excessive much?). I've never answered because it's an unfamiliar number in the 1-800's. They never leave a message but wait long enough to disconnect when they get my voicemail so I'm constantly having to go in and check whether or not I have real voicemail or if it's just these idiots hanging up on me. Others claim that it's a telemarketing division of V Mobile, But it seems suspect to me, Even if it is my service provider why the
A dude with indian accent called me from this number, He knew my name and address and was offering an internet plan from XXXXX. He wanted to know how many people were living here, How many TVs/computers we have and other personal information. This number does not seem to belong to XXXXX, It is a scam.
Did not answer, Showed XXXXX as the caller. Checked the number and saw that other people had been receiving calls from the number. Don't believe that it was a call from XXXXX,
Person with Indian accent answered phone when I called back and said he was XXXXX mobile calling. Then proceeded to ask for my phone number. I thought something was fishy because this same number called me at least 5 times recently and I do not use XXXXX mobile. It’s not XXXXX mobile. It’s a scam! Beware! Do not provide your information.
Called this number back on a different number sounded like an old hag answering hello. Definitely a scam. I asked who it was but no answer. Definitely not a business. Not associated with virgin.