This number is a definite SCAM. It pops up as a number for Amazon Music, But they are not. They will call you and get you to log into your bank account, Then transfer money through electronic transactions. My Dad was scammed out of $2, 000. Where they messed up, They didn't know that my Daddy had a bad ass child, Who knew what to do. We put a stop payment on that transaction, Called Legal Shield, And Experian, Who flagged all his information. DON'T FALL FOR THIS XXXXX!!!
This number was used in an Amazon Music app. After putting in the generation code, I got a message “repeated failure may lead to expire your code. Do not try to enter code again and again. Call on: +1-844-220-0545.” I called and eventually was scammed out of $500, Following instructions to “protect” my Amazon account!