Word for word, With the same message and name of caller referencing a legal matter and an (833) call back number. Blocked the incoming number and deleted the voicemail.
Very Elaborate scam, Told me I owe us bank thousands of dollars and I will be sued with a judgment that will garnish my wages!! When you call the 833 number a guy answers who gives a crazy amount and vague details about me but can't give any recent or exact information about me. A few weeks later a woman calls from "the auditing department" who has a new magically significantly lower number that you can pay today and have it all go away!!! But they don't give any information and refuse allow you
Called ID displayed 206-801-XXXX (Shoreline, WA), The msg is the same as below, Caller identified as Carrie Sanders, And the call back is the same as the number included in all the complaints.
Hello my name is XXXX XXXX and my office is been retained to deliver you a formal notice in regards to a complaint being filed to your attention that should've took place on March 30 but due to the Covid-19 situation the state has been suspended indefinitely for a future date that is unknown at this moment. I will need your signature on file but I believe we have an address discrepancy because this is now my second failed attempt. Please contact the issuing agent's office to update an ad
"Person identified themselves as XXXX XXXXX. She stated she needed a signature for there was a legal action that was supposed to take place on March 30th. Due to Covid-19 it is canceled indefinitely. Then mentioned a address discrepency and to contact the filing company to correct it. This is most definitely a scam caller DO NOT call this number back."
same for me
Person identified themselves as XXXX XXXXX. She stated she needed a signature for there was a legal action that was supposed to take place on March 30th. Due to Covid-19 it is canceled indefinitely. Then mentioned a address discrepency and to contact the filing company to correct it.
Person identified themselves as XXXX XXXXX. She stated she needed a signature for there was a legal action that was supposed to take place on March 30th. Due to Covid-19 it is canceled indefinitely. Then mentioned a address discrepency and to contact the filing company to correct it. This is most definitely a scam caller DO NOT call this number back.
Person identified themselves as Carrie Sanders and said legal action was supposed to Take Pl., March 30th. It is now April 18. This call is a scam or as I like to call them, Scum!
Keep saying they are filing a lawsuit against me for some ghost amount of money that I DO NOT OWE TO ANYONE. If you are being sued, You will be notified by the courts.