XXXXX XXXXX. This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-XXXX file number: 294290
. This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-0895 file number: 294401
Received a call from this number from a person named XXXX XXXX who would be at my house in 30 min to serve me with paperwork. Received a text from the same number this morning using my Married name (now divorced for a year). Providing the same case number I was given on Friday. Not sure what this is about. Seems like a scam with all the other comments.
Received a text stating:"This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-0895 file number 283828
I received a text stating: "This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-0895 file number: 257423"
From 724-278-XXXX. Text stated: VIRGINIA CALDERWOOD. This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-0895 file number: XXXXX
I received a text stating: "This is a file in our office that needs your immediate attention that has your name and personal information attached. If you do not know what this is contact us at 833-453-0895 file number: 257423"