This number has called my house at all hours of the day and night. I am on a late night shift and this XXXXX starts calling my house number at 8 am. Whoever it is never leaves a message and no... I'm not racing to a phone that goes off in the middle of my sleep. I let the calls that come to this phone number go straight to the answering machine, If someone calls my number and they aren't willing to leave a message then I guess we will never speak.
They call multiple times a day most every day, Morning noon and night. I don't answer so I don't know the nature of their scam, But I have blocked the number so it goes straight to voicemail, Where my message clearly states callers not leaving a message will be considered spam and have their number blocked. This person has been blocked for weeks and still calls: I see them pop up in my call log. It's driving me insane.