It is a problem if he has text now or anything he's being used for information
The app will create date profile for the phone even use a pic email and age no other information but ever call is outgoing for 1 min 35 sec
Ever since I went to Assurance Wireless this number has been in my call history log as an OUTGOING call, meaning I am calling the number, which I can "assure" you I am not, especially since it is also occurring even when my awesome free phones from Assurance were broke.
Assurance customer service is useless and have not addressed the issue with me, yet. Even though I have spoken with them (on my husband's phone) and chatted with them on Twitter about it.
I bought a new phone for my husband. It came with a phone number once activated. Everyday this number is on my talk history up to at least 4-5 times a day at random times? No texts messages just calls. I've called the number but no answer, No voicemail, No nothing. My husband claims he has no idea who it is. My question is why is this number on my phone?