Also got caught out with this number at a cost of 9. 98 for a 7 minute call. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is, You NEVER get anything for nothing. Avoid all advertisments like this on Face book and all other Social medial networks.
Supposedly a Sainsbury's 'anniversary' competition - after a couple of minutes' worth of questions, Noticed (in very small type) at the bottom of the email that the quiz would last 60 minutes! Ended the call pretty sharpish, But still billed almost £9.
I also got caught with this scam. I was on Facebook and clicked on the screen supposedly for a Sainsbury offer for a £350 food voucher, By answering a set of simple quiz style questions. After 30 minutes on the phone answering these questions, The connection was lost. The cost for me? £32. 82!
It is a scam purporting to come from Sainsbury's as a quiz with reasonably simple questions to secure Nectar points. I got bored and hung up but it cost me over £10 including VAT on my Virgin bill!
My Father thought he was ringing a Tesco/
Sainsbury competition line for people born in December, To win £500 - after 30 minutes he became suspicious and ended the call - just received a bill for £43. 75 premium call!!
Watch out completed questionnaire online and gave number. My latest phone bill is highlighting a £43. 75 charge to number 09056720005 but I haven’t called the number.
I also got caught with this scam. Supposedly a Morrison's offer for a £350 food voucher, But answering a set of simple quiz style questions. After 7 minutes on the phone answering these questions, I hung up. The cost for me? £10. 30!
I was on Facebook and clicked on the screen supposedly for Morrisons offering me a £350 voucher. There is a quiz involved. This is a scam. It cost me £32. If I hadn't hung up, The bill would be a lot higher.