Jeg har blitt ringt opp flere ganger. Han må være sprø. Han påsto at min niese ble voldtatt av to eldre menn under et modelloppdrag. Han snakket engelsk med "fransk" accent. Høflig men jeg ble redd. Ingenting med penger å gjøre bare info liksom? Han hadde navn og full call på henne. Dette plager meg.
Caller was a legitimate (although cold caller) company. I told them that their number was coming up as high risk. They told me they were using skype to make international calls.... So this is one of those numbers that anyone using Skype might "appear" on.
Claimed to be from my electricity supplier meter reading department - trying to get my electricity meter point reference number from my bill - surely if you really were from my electricity supplier you'd have that already no? Pull the other one its got bells on :D
Clever enough to convince us they were Sky and even had access to our security questions. Using our bank account number they were able to steal 9k. Criminals. Indian accent, Don't engage with them at all.