02080560192 (London, United Kingdom)
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13 Oct
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Latest comment
4 December, 2018
Clear scam. Couldn't explain where they got my number, Couldn't explain how I'd talked to them "earlier this year". Couldn't explain why they still have my information and are contacting me despite GDPR being there to protect people like me from scumbags like him. Do NOT trust this phone number.
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
04.12.2018 13:07
  • Caution (77.8%)
  • Annoying (0%)
  • Telemarketing (0%)
  • Market Research (0%)
  • Opinion Poll (0%)
  • Safe (0%)
  • Courier/Delivery (0%)
  • Other (22.2%)

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4 December, 2018
Clear scam. Couldn't explain where they got my number, Couldn't explain how I'd talked to them "earlier this year". Couldn't explain why they still have my information and are contacting me despite GDPR being there to protect people like me from scumbags like him. Do NOT trust this phone number.
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
04.12.2018 13:07
2 November, 2018
They're trying to sell dodgy investments. Seems to be a regular thing at the moment.
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
02.11.2018 11:01
1 November, 2018
Can I speak to <gets name wrong> "I'm not really interested, Thanks" "Before you go, I need tot tell you our clients are making upwards of 10% per month, Surely thats something you would be interested in..." *places phone on table and gets back to work* ".... <name>... Hello... <name> " lol
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
01.11.2018 16:31
23 October, 2018
Some xxxxx called 'Jack'(& his pal) phone, They have my name, Ask how I am keeping(As if they are my long lost friends??!). Then they announce the name of a totally obscure company-based(apparently) in Lichtenstein. They then ask if I have heard of them???!!. WTF?! I tell them politely to go away and never ring again. They then ring back immediately. I will NOT be so polite next time!
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
23.10.2018 19:23
22 October, 2018
Wanted me to invest in a lichtenstein fund, Boiler room in london more like
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
22.10.2018 11:36
16 October, 2018
Wanted me to invest in hedge funds asked me if i had any investments, Told him i had lost money before in shares and asked me how much i had lost.. As soon as i told him i had only put up £400 that's all i could afford.. He said have a good day and hung up!! Obviously after bigger fish!!
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
16.10.2018 19:10
19 November, 2018
Hung up when I answered
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
19.11.2018 19:31
17 October, 2018
Trying to sell dodgy investments
Comment from user (United Kingdomapp)
17.10.2018 12:51
3 October, 2018
Hung up when I answered
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
03.10.2018 15:55
Possible formats
+442080560192, 00442080560192, 02080560192, (020) 8056 0192, 020 8056 0192, +44 20 8056 0192, tel:+44-20-8056-0192