London came up on my mobile Satirday but he insisted he is not in Londom but on a bungla dish (?) I have a different energy dupplier but 'my' energy bill he said he has is an exact GGBP 100. 00. It is a different elecyricity supplier and I did not give my name bit he had my correct address. However when I checked Ellen Shawn is a female name in the US. His accent is foreign but not american or any britidh varient. Yesyerday a scammer claiming I own a businees is ball bearing. Is it not rime the
Claimed to be from an energy company called Yu or YU who could undercut my current supplier for businesses if I told them who it was. I told him to mind his own business and just tell me what price they charge. He said 13 cents (I live in UK btw) per kwh which I said was too much and he hung up!
Strong indian accent, Belived it at first as i had been on the phone to my usual electricity company before hand, Kept on phoning today and i hung up everytime
A call centre with strong indian accent claiming to reduce your electricty bil by 25/30percent.
He hung-up after I questioned every question
I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole! Most likely phishing for information