Person who tries to get you to trade Bitcoins. Won't stop ringing and rings from lots of different numbers. You have to block each number. Here are a few: 0203 808 7104, 0203 868 9897, 0208 089 6422, 01244 071344, 0203 807 6703, 0208 089 9350, 0131 608 0709, 0161 768 5104, 0131 608 0698, 01244 071344, 0208 089 6422, 0203 807 6703, 0208 089 9350, 0208 089 5970, 0203 868 0460, 0203 868 0459, 0203 807 6843, 0300n 200 5935, 07855 461301