Here's how it goes with J&R financial solutions. You take an IVA out with the company that they introduce you to, Creditfix. Or a Trust Deed with Carrington Dean (same people) they make over £1200 from referring you. This affects their decision making and could mean your creditors are less likely to accept the proposal.
If you do a Debt Relief Order in England/Wales or Minimal Asset Process in Scotland, then J&R Financial Solutions earn nothing from you. So, question why they want you to do a
This number is for Ross J&R Financial Solutions Ltd Debtfix. This company earn commission from referring you to Creditfix for an IVA and Carrington Dean for a PTD. They are NOT authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to give debt advice and this is very important. Do not deal with this, firstly get impartial debt advice from a debt charity and if you decide to apply for a statutory debt solution, then either go with the debt charities suggestion or find a FCA authorised debt company. Ross