01454837458 (Chipping Sodbury, United Kingdom)
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Latest comment
30 May, 2018
Sounded like she said she was from CLC World and said she 'had some good news to give me' but first I needed to confirm some details which she says I provided in an on line survey. The first question was confirming the age range that I and my partner fell between. I finished the call at this stage as I do not recall completing such a survey. (Very bright, Perky young woman was calling.)
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
30.05.2018 14:37
  • Caution (14.3%)
  • Annoying (0%)
  • Telemarketing (57.1%)
  • Market Research (28.6%)
  • Opinion Poll (0%)
  • Safe (0%)
  • Courier/Delivery (0%)
  • Other (0%)

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30 May, 2018
Sounded like she said she was from CLC World and said she 'had some good news to give me' but first I needed to confirm some details which she says I provided in an on line survey. The first question was confirming the age range that I and my partner fell between. I finished the call at this stage as I do not recall completing such a survey. (Very bright, Perky young woman was calling.)
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
30.05.2018 14:37
7 February, 2018
Call was about a survey I allegedly completed (I didn't) about timeshare in Spain. I think it was CRC world or something similar
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
07.02.2018 15:07
31 May, 2018
Market Research
Comment from user (United Kingdomapp)
31.05.2018 18:13
6 March, 2018
Timeshare marketeers.
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
06.03.2018 12:43
Possible formats
+441454837458, 00441454837458, 01454837458, (01454) 837458, 01454 837458, +44 1454 837458, tel:+44-1454-837458