They said they were from the electricity and gas registration team but didn't name the company. They left a message to call them back as a matter of urgency. If they are unwilling to give the name of the company it is obviously a scam call. I've had about 40 calls from scam energy companies in 2 days, all saying a similar thing. This was after posting on Facebook that I was moving my business to new premises.
Left a message telling me that I needed to contact them urgently regarding company registration. Just another energy company trying to get me to change. Dodgy tactics!
We got a call from this company to an elderly relatives home and they left a message saying it was of the utmost importance that they called back which caused our relative to panic for no reason. This companies tactics are far from moral and they are trying to scam home owners and tenants to use them. I have seen comments stating they thing these negative reviews are competitors and I can assure all reading this that this is genuine. When you ask them to remove the number they give you abuse and
This is definately not a scam, i believe it is a rival energy broker trying to give this company a bad name. They are a legitimate company who helped me out massively with finding my energy contracts, they saved me over £1,000 a year over 3 years.
Scam - intentionally leave voicemail saying you need to make an urgent call back. You call back thinking it's something to do with company registration and turns out its telesales and a complete scam. AVOID AVOID AVOID.
This is not a scam, found me a contract when other brokers struggled as i was a new business. I had been left on a default rate for months. They also managed to get it back dated.
Appalling behaviour from someone claiming to be from the change of tenacy department. the commercial Registration. Left a message to say it was an Urgent call. They had jumped on the fact that I had said my facebook name was cganging but i used I was moving instead. Guess what an energy company ? xxxxxx annoying
This is definatel;y not a scam, they sorted my energy contracts out and have left me a telephone number to call back on which I have spoke to them on many occasion. 5* from me
Kept trying to force us to sign up to a new energy contract even though had just signed a contract. When told that I would phone the supplier they developed an attitude and hung up. Minutes later a withheld number supposedly from our energy supplier with basically the same rubbish. I said I would phone back. After speaking to our supplier, informed I was still in contract for another year.
Scam phishing for bank details, will not take return calls. Reported to actionfraud.
We're still waiting for the leasehold to come back from a tenancy agreement we signed two days ago, they've acquired our details from social media and rather than introduce themselves as a sales company they've advised they we're from the meter registration company. Having worked in commercial energy for a number of years this isn't ok. I would avoid like the plague.
No idea why this is showing up as a scam, couldn't have been more helpful. They got me a contract with Corona back in January 22 on 26p/kwh for the contract to start in 11th June this year, and told me to fix for 3 years which was the maximum. I usually only go for 1 year contracts. My renewal rates came through 1 month ago and they would have been nearly 40p/kwh. They saved me ten's of thousands of pounds!!!