01233644953 (Ashford (Kent), United Kingdom)
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11 Nov
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10 March, 2020
Indian fellow who said he was calling from BT Openreach (which rings alarm bells because openreach will never call end users, And they're no longer branded as BT) I informed the man that we don't use BT Lines (As we're on private fibre) and he put the phone down instantly. Called me twice for the same thing on this number and 0123364XXXX (last three digits mirrored)
Comment from user (United Kingdommobile)
10.03.2020 15:29
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Possible formats
+441233644953, 00441233644953, 01233644953, (01233) 644953, 01233 644953, +44 1233 644953, tel:+44-1233-644953