01212013283 (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
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3 Nov
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Latest comment
6 December, 2022
Called me twice on 6/12/2022, ignored the number, due to knowing Birmingham has dodgy gangs and someone appears to have my number on the day our son is out that way. Therefore, whoever is stalking, doing so using the school system and this Birmingham telephone number, due to how the numbers relate. Had this stalking behaviour when I was a school and someone was keeping tabs on me, now using our son's possible details and using his whereabouts to stalk me via these types of negative phone numb
Comment from user (United Kingdomweb)
06.12.2022 15:49
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Possible formats
+441212013283, 00441212013283, 01212013283, (0121) 201 3283, 0121 201 3283, +44 121 201 3283, tel:+44-121-201-3283