This is the fourth time they have tried to call me since cancelling last year, I have told them not to call me again as their service isn’t what it’s made out to be in my opinion and is worse than shopping from the local green grocer in my neighbourhood. Corporate harassment at its finest.
Phone rang twice and hung up just as I went to answer it, before the voicemail picked up.
I googled the number and it came up as Hello Fresh. I've cancelled my subscription so they have no reason to call.
I didn't answer as my phone detected it as spam, but call went through to voicemail and it was just background noise with people chatting. I Googled the number and it said Hello Fresh.
Just an annoying phone call that repeatedly tries to get through to you and get you to sign back up to hello fresh after cancellations. I’m not interested. Sod off.
They call if you've cancelled your subscription to offer you discounts to sign up again. I've sometimes taken up on offer for a few weeks before cancelling again.
Google shows hello fresh, I answered and just got some breaths down the phone and I could hear people in the background… that was quite strange but I did cancel their service last week so… 🤔
No call came through but I had a message to say I had missed a call from this number who did not leave a message and that I could call back on that number. There was no calls logged in my recent call logs.