It likely means that someone is trying to access your account. Never verify anything that comes in when you did not request it or use a Google service that tells you it is required. Delete it and ignore it.
Kind Regards,
This number is by youtube to verify your channel.
If you got texted/called by this number without having anything to do with it, There is someone that putted the wrong number when verifying his channel
Dette er googles nr. De bruger den til at certificere om du er den rigtige ejer af en Google konto. Det har intet med svindel at gøre. Bliver du dog ringet op uopfordret. Så skift dit password. Da nogen har prøvet at skifte det. Det kan de ikke uden din telefons samtykke.
This is standard automated Google verification calling service. If you received a call that means somebody tried to open a Gmail account and provided you number. Could be typo too. Not a SPAM!