Got the same letter! For pig-iron, I rang the number to see what happens and it's diverted internationally (with hold music). Nobody ever answers. Cannot get through to Carrick On Shannon to advise them etc. Bad grammar in the letter, but it's a good job overall so can see why people could be fooled.
Got a letter from the social department of protection based in Carrick-on-shannon saying I owe €287. 90 however the letter looks pure dodgy not to mention the fact that it says "Reminder" even tho it's it's first letter I've received. A reminder letter implies that they have sent out multiple letters. Plus I have no dealings with the social welfare since I work full time and owe them nothing. Don't pay from the numbers listed on the letter. If you are worried just ring the office with the number
Letter from dept social protection, but it's actually a scam number on the letter. Do NOT ring this number. Contact ur local social welfare office instead.