0128595733 (France)
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28 nov.
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Dernier commentaire
26 avril 2023
African XXXXXX fraud, profession psychological social engineering, only way is break them verbally to stop them is with worse insult when they call and threaten them, curse them, I am sure it’s west African accent. They have no mercy with victims of there fraud
Commentaire de l'utilisateur (NorvègeApplication)
2023.04.26 19:17
  • Attention (100%)
  • Ennuyeux (0%)
  • Télémarketing (0%)
  • Étude de marché (0%)
  • Sondage (0%)
  • Sûr (0%)
  • Courrier/Livraison (0%)
  • Autre (0%)

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26 avril 2023
African XXXXXX fraud, profession psychological social engineering, only way is break them verbally to stop them is with worse insult when they call and threaten them, curse them, I am sure it’s west African accent. They have no mercy with victims of there fraud
Commentaire de l'utilisateur (NorvègeApplication)
2023.04.26 19:17
22 février 2023
Informations fournies par l'utilisateur: Attention
Commentaire de l'utilisateur (Suèdemobile)
2023.02.22 20:43
Formats acceptés
+33128595733, 0033128595733, 0128595733, +33 1 28 59 57 33, 01 28 59 57 33, tel:+33-1-28-59-57-33