611351717 (España)
Número de búsquedas
Denuncias de usuarios
27 de dic
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Actividad (últimos 3 meses)
Número de búsquedas (últimos 3 meses)
Último comentario
17 de junio de 2022
As a follow up to a call yesterday, XXXX XXXXXX rang me from his Spanish mobile. He claimed it was going through a Malaga Court switch board which converted it from the 951 or 952, obviously having had this challenge before. He read out a list of companies, none of which I heard of, which are in the pool for my "compensation," and then asked why I had not contacted him. I responded, because it is a scam. He enquired if I was happy to forego my share of £19800, I replied that "I have been c
Comentario del usuario (Reino Unidomóvil)
2022.06.17 15:47
  • Precaución (100%)
  • Molesto (0%)
  • Venta telefónica (0%)
  • Investigación de mercado (0%)
  • Encuesta de opinión (0%)
  • Seguro (0%)
  • Mensajería/Entrega (0%)
  • Otros (0%)

¿Cómo bloqueo este número?

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17 de junio de 2022
As a follow up to a call yesterday, XXXX XXXXXX rang me from his Spanish mobile. He claimed it was going through a Malaga Court switch board which converted it from the 951 or 952, obviously having had this challenge before. He read out a list of companies, none of which I heard of, which are in the pool for my "compensation," and then asked why I had not contacted him. I responded, because it is a scam. He enquired if I was happy to forego my share of £19800, I replied that "I have been c
Comentario del usuario (Reino Unidomóvil)
2022.06.17 15:47
30 de enero de 2022
Información proporcionada por el usuario: Malo
Comentario del usuario (Reino Unidomóvil)
2022.01.30 01:30
Formatos posibles
+34611351717, 0034611351717, 611351717, +34 611 35 17 17, 611 35 17 17, tel:+34-611-35-17-17