015215205637 (Deutschland)
Gesuchte Male
Von Nutzern gemeldet
19. Dez.
Zuletzt gesucht
Aktivität (letzte 3 Monate)
Nachgeschlagene Male (letzte 3 Monate)
Letzter Kommentar
17. Oktober 2023
VorsichtUser called me and told me his mother is a fat pig who works the street corners. I agreed, his mother is a worthless pig who gave birth to his scamming ass and must work with her mouth to support her lazy ass son who does nothing all day but scam innocent people..
Please, give generously to this douchbag the next time he calls you.. Let him know that you support his mom the next time you see the XXXXXX on the street corner.
Kommentar vom Nutzer (Schweden, Mobile)
- Vorsicht (90,9%)
- Telemarketing (0%)
- Marktforschung (0%)
- Meinungsumfrage (0%)
- Sicher (0%)
- Kurier/Lieferung (0%)
- Sonstiges (9,1%)
Missbrauch gemeldet
Mögliche Formate:
+4915215205637, 004915215205637, 015215205637, +49 1521 5205637, 01521 5205637, tel:+49-1521-5205637
Zuletzt gesuchte Nummern
+46736834712 04042811580 01759203742 072348408 0697954501 079725091 +4531566068 089238898677 +4566337763 +358442954730 01713807598 +4591984651 +4531484216 +33782741004 +31182787524 +23566056859 +4561670105 +4524698839 06966405070 042242365 +4521475193 +3937087935906 +38120604499 +46702547495 +4529910768 +4542309972 08999341983 015252147397 +46730357317 015237395273