“Do you need a part time job? We are AM group from AM, Monthly salary $3000-$8000. If you interested please contact Us whatsapp : wa. Me/12094294140”
Enough said.
"Please confirm your details for shipment today, otherwise your parcel will be returned to the retailer: (link)"
When link is clicked brings you to fake DHL tracking website. Asks for money to receive parcel. I have not ordered a parcel.
They sent me this:
Please confirm your details for shipment today, otherwise your parcel will be returned to the retailer: (link)
No details about what shipping company they are pretending to be.
Scam alert.
Text message reads: lNTERAC e-TRANSFER: GOV. OF CANADA has sent you money. See https://claim. Secure-lnterac. Com/ID=? 6h7D8e Standard data rates may apply.