I know this because i got scammed today through facebook market place. Within 5 minutes of me being scammed i received a phone call from this number stating it was scotiabanks fraud department and they were cancelling the transaction and securing my account. I then called scotiabanks customer support number through their website to be 100% safe that this wasn’t a fake phone call to detour me and scotiabank confirmed this number was real and my account has been secured.
This is almost definitely a scam.
Im concerned because they knew I applied for Overdraft Protection.
So either its a scam and its someone who works for scotia, or scotia hires some sketchy as hell call center people.
Either way, im not talking to them.
I bUy something online bUt declined than I call bank they said my transaction like scam. After confrim they said 20 mins will release it. After 20 mins this nUmber is calling me it jUst to confirm U are a real transaction