Hello (my name) Your product (my phone number) is still in our distribution warehouse. Please visit our link to find your item: http://iretor. Me/ca3lOmH
The message I got. Never clicked the link but searched the phone number and found this page. Adding to the Spam reporting.
I received a text which reads: "hey [my name], Your order [my phone number] is still in the duty warehouse. Visit the site to receive your item: ululeg(dot)me(backslash)nxoc_44"
Don't know whay XXXXX of link that is but is obviously fake and too suspicious i didn't want to risk clicking it
Text read: "hi [my name] Your item (same number as my mobile) is still in our customs department. Visit the site to find your item: [link removed]"
I did not open link. Google phone app identified this as spam and I blocked.
Here is the text I received: [HYDRO] You have received a return of billing by e-transfer for overpayment from your electricity carrier. Click here to deposit it: billreturnhydro. Ca.
Got a random text message this morning that said "Hi Emma, a product [my phone number] is in our shipping central. Go to our link to find your product: [link]". I'm not Emma, no idea who Emma is. Probably a scam.
Message Says "hi (my name), Your product (myphonenumber) is still in the imports central. Plesase visit the website to find your order: then some bogus link.
They say there has been a questionable purchase. 329 dollars and change for airbuds. Goes to webpage that has yes this is my purchase or no it wasn't me, then transfers to a fake apple login page. Scammers!!!!