0488822989 (Australia)
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13 Mar
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March 13, 2020
CautionCaller had philipino accent.... Said from Nat Review Team & asked general questions which i answered, She asked if I had over 25k in super, I said ‘yes’. Then she said her mgr will call me back the next day..... I said ‘ Will that person also be a scammer’.... She didnt like that & started swearing & said I was a bad person & wouldnt even have $25k since I was born...& hung up 🤣
Comment from user (Australia, mobile)
- Caution (75%)
- Telemarketing (25%)
- Market Research (0%)
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- Courier/Delivery (0%)
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Possible formats
+61488822989, 0061488822989, 0488822989, +61 488 822 989, 0488 822 989, tel:+61-488-822-989
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