Fake Traders bitcoins krypto valutor engelsk talande människor som inte förstår svenska ringer flera gånger dagligen har blockat så många nr å vart tyst i nån vecka sen började de om igen här i Sverige har de fulingarna börja med å fake registrera som bilverkstad och byggföretag.. Mm så var alert å skriv när dom ringer så vi får ett XXXXX på dessa plågo andar BLOCKAR DIREKT gör det samma
I was contacted by them asking if they could remote connect to my system.
Upon asking them if they could give me their ID they refused.
These people are trying to access your system in the attempt to hijack and steal funds.
Hey guys, I was also a victim of the ledger hack but i got help from a lawyer they prepare a class action lawsuit ledger - claim. Com in case you guys want to join.
If they are ringing about a crypto trading account, They got your details from the Ledger hack. If you ever bought a Ledger Nano X direct from Ledger, The scammers now have your Name, Address and Telephone Number. Congratulations.
The have the numbers from a ledger leek. I Bought a ledger for my brothers birthday and the ledger database was hacked after that.
don t give them any information or install an app. The want to steel money or bitcoin
They using leaked data from Ledger Wallet company (crypto wallets) so they have you phone, Psychical address, Email, And they want convince you to invest in crypto for fast profits. IT'S A SCAM
They are a cold calling scam company what wants you to invest using a mastercard or visa, They also want remote access to your company. This is a dangerous company
Be carefull with this guys. I was so XXXXX to step in it. I opened an account and after they took all my money from my bank account. They left me with just 70$. I went to the police and my bank card is blocked immidiatly.
They asked for control of our phone with an app called anydesk which they wanted us to download, We don’t know who this company is and how legitimate they are but wanting access to our phone to set up an account they’re saying is too complex for us to do on our own sent alarm bells ringing
Please be careful!!!!